Welcome Startup Introverts to a “Method How” to “Make a Difference!”
A Newsletter that for Two Years Has Not Let in Any New Subscribers!
It has been nearly two years since “USA Make a Difference” stepped in and took the reins of their current newsletter from an entity that had been running the publication for a few years before that. And ever since USA Make a Difference took over, they never let in new subscribers.
No New Subscribers Allowed for Around Two Years!
They were happy to deliver new weekly content to their existing email list, which as it turns out, were and are a pretty loyal group. There were very few unsubscribes happening during that 24-month period which continues, because still no new signups are being allowed. And yet, according to analytics, the newsletter has had a high amount of opens throughout the “USA Make a Difference” time period.
Diary of a Startup Introvert
So, will all this good news why is the “USA Make a Difference” Newsletter now being handed over to “Method How” with its new name being the “Method How” Report? As of this writing “Method How” does not have a web presence and is more of a term used to describe an ambitious project focused on introverts. Specifically, introverts in business, calling themselves: “Startup Introverts.”
Thumbs Up Introverts!
But to clarify, it is not that a bunch of quiet souls are taking over the reins. Not exactly anyway. It will still be a part of the “USA Make a Difference” mission of, well, making a difference. U.S.A.M.A,D. is one of the community websites of the “Blog Coalition” family.
Strategies for Introverts!
Changing the name to “Method How” is a more succinct description of what the content is going to be about moving forward. There will be previews being given of new short term “business success strategies,” each strategy with its own purpose and outcome.
A Strategic Approach
“Method How” will be about the “Method How” new strategies are being developed. It will be focused on helping small business owners, Mom and Pops and those with an idea for a business, to maximize their results with a strategic approach!