Confronting an actual storm led to exploring a metaphorical one.

A record storm happened here in New York City day before yesterday that resulted in streets flooding, 15 or more mice at one time trying to swim to safety and having to wade through sometimes chest high water levels in the subway station near us.

Facing the storm.

My wife and our daughter when returning home got caught in the thick of it. Thankfully, they made it home safely, no worse for wear. They succeeded in facing the storm, but what about the metaphorical storm that you might be facing with your business when doing marketing?

Obstacles that seem to come out from thin air.

Storms can sometimes start building against you without you even knowing about it. Challenges you face sometimes are generated by you trying to do the right thing, yet you find yourself chastised. Because regardless of how good your intentions are, others for whatever reason may view it in a negative manner.